Friday, October 21, 2011


ना भूली थी....
ना भूली हू...
ना ही भूलूंगी...
जब भी मन चाहेगा...
कविता में तुमको छू लूंगी!

वो कहते है....
लोग आते ही क्यों है....
जब एक दिन चले जाना होता है!
पल दो पल की खुशिया देकर....
जब जीवन भर रुलाना होता है!

मै सोचती हु....
उन टुकडो में जिये पलों में,
भले धुंधले से साए हो....
खुश हु फिर भी....उदास नहीं हु,
चाहे दो पल क लिए ही सही....
कम से कम तुम आये तो!

People say love hurts.....and tears are an integral part of a lovers life!
but is it so.....
even if it is..... don't weep because you can not be with the one you love.....rejoice.....because at least you were lucky enough to fall in love!
Remember the moment,when you felt complete and were satisfied with your life.....when your soulmate (so called) was with you!
Remember the moment when both of you were together....
don't blame them for not respecting your feelings or not understanding u sometimes....
don't blame them or your fate for leaving you alone.....
don't feel as if you were cheated.....
just believe in love.......even if it was there just for a moment....
after all you have a full moment to cherish....
live it...blindly (blindly....coz facts ruin it)!!

क्योकि बदनसीब तो शायद वो होते है.......जिन्हें एक पल के लिए भी सच्चा तो क्या झूठा प्यार तक नसीब नहीं हुआ!

give it a thought!!!

I Me Myself....wid you :)

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